Friday, January 31, 2014

Leave your fears behind......

Each day's a gift and not a given right

Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind

And try to take the path less traveled by

That first step you take is the longest stride

This is how I feel everyday, living here in AK has taught me a few things, I know my family back in TX don't understand me at times and blame AK for this, but u have to try new things, and live life to the fullest, everyday. Living here has taught me to take risks, take chances, embrace life, and I like the new me.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you suffer from "bitchy resting face?"

I know a lot of women who suffer from BRF, I never knew it was a phenomenon until now. I feel bad for the women who suffer from this, who knows maybe even I suffer from it, na I don't think so, I have never had anybody ever ask me if "something was wrong" or "are u ok?" before. I even asked my husband, he said, and I quote " only, sometimes, when that time of the month comes along, Ah, ok?! So I guess I do have it but only once a month, so I'm not that bad. Now for the women who suffer with permanent BRF, there is help, there is this surgical procedure called a "grin lift" and plastic surgeons actually do them. So here is the video that started it all.........

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bring a smile to my face

There are so many things that make me smile or chuckle, here are just a few:

smart ass quotes

crazy, insane moments

when I stop & remember where I live

when I think about going back to TX and where I wanna live
yes we will be there one day, some day....... until then
I'll enjoy our little adventures :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I love all things photography...........

My wonderful husband bought me my first dslr camera for our anniversary! I have been experimenting with it for a while now and I am in love. I still need a lot to learn but, will soon be taking a class on how to use it and hopefully become better. Living in Alaska lets you go just about anywhere and take photos of beautiful scenery and animals out in nature. I just wish I had more free time to do this and with winter coming soon I just won't be able to go out exploring as much. Still photography has become my hobby and I am really enjoying it.