Sunday, October 27, 2013


I love all things photography...........

My wonderful husband bought me my first dslr camera for our anniversary! I have been experimenting with it for a while now and I am in love. I still need a lot to learn but, will soon be taking a class on how to use it and hopefully become better. Living in Alaska lets you go just about anywhere and take photos of beautiful scenery and animals out in nature. I just wish I had more free time to do this and with winter coming soon I just won't be able to go out exploring as much. Still photography has become my hobby and I am really enjoying it.


It dawned on me that on Nov 9th, less than a month away, will mark my one yr anniversary here in Alaska. It has flown by, I have to admit, I have enjoyed it much more than I thought I ever could. The things I have encountered, the things I have seen, the feelings I have felt, are priceless. There is still much more to see and can't wait to see them, I can't wait to see the whales in Seward, the glacier in Anchorage, the bears in Kodiak Island, just so much to see, and not to mention the beautiful and breathless views all around us here in the Last Frontier. Of course it has it's downfalls like the harsh winters, but there are more pros than cons for me. People save and save to be able to come here and visit and just get to see some of the things I take for granted everyday, so sometimes I have to remind myself that I am truly blessed to live here and see things that people only get to dream of or see on TV. When we lived in Colorado I was ok sometimes even depressed,nothing compared to how I feel here, even though there are no malls or large restaurant chains, I have found out what truly makes me happy, and that is my family and exploring the unknown. I have found my happiness and I don't want to let go, who knew Alaska would do that for me....