Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you suffer from "bitchy resting face?"

I know a lot of women who suffer from BRF, I never knew it was a phenomenon until now. I feel bad for the women who suffer from this, who knows maybe even I suffer from it, na I don't think so, I have never had anybody ever ask me if "something was wrong" or "are u ok?" before. I even asked my husband, he said, and I quote " only, sometimes, when that time of the month comes along, Ah, ok?! So I guess I do have it but only once a month, so I'm not that bad. Now for the women who suffer with permanent BRF, there is help, there is this surgical procedure called a "grin lift" and plastic surgeons actually do them. So here is the video that started it all.........

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bring a smile to my face

There are so many things that make me smile or chuckle, here are just a few:

smart ass quotes

crazy, insane moments

when I stop & remember where I live

when I think about going back to TX and where I wanna live
yes we will be there one day, some day....... until then
I'll enjoy our little adventures :)