Saturday, August 3, 2013

Weirdest dream yet

I always have weird dreams, but this has got to be the weirdest one yet.....

It starts off as a family reunion in old downtown McAllen, we are eating at some diner and I'm like super pregnant! This is my face in the dream-

Not again I think to myself, then a tour bus pulls up and it's Bon Jovi - out comes the band, I start yelling and my husband tells me to sit down, but of course I run to the door lol! He comes in and says" hey I can see you've been busy" and chuckles! Of course he looks gorgeous, like he does now..

wish he looked like in the 80's like this.....

anyways, he asks me what else I've been up to like if we know each other, by the way this happens in all the dreams  I have had about him, my husband thinks I'm crazy, I just tell him don't hate! So we chat then he orders food and goes to eat in the bus, then my ex boyfriend shows up and wants to talk, ok does he not see I'm preggo! Told u all this was the weirdest one yet, I go talk to him and I can see my husband looking around for me ....

I tell my ex I have to go, he tells me to bring him food, um NO! So I go back to my table and my family is still talking and eating didn't even miss me at all, I see the tour bus leave and I wake up like this...

WTH was that about! I lay there and ponder for a bit, smile, and start my day.

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