Monday, July 29, 2013

Army Wife

It all started in 2009, my life as I knew it would be changed forever. My life as I knew it then would never be the same, my children's lives would never be the same, and my parent's lives would never be the same. Was I going to be able to do it? Was I going to be strong enough for my kids and my husband who was now US government property? My world was spinning, I felt like I was walking into a whirlwind not knowing where I was going to land. Finally we got "orders" to Colorado Springs, CO- Fort Carson. I had never been away from home and here I was packing up all our belongings, my mother worried out of her mind telling me not to go. I have to support my husband who was now a soldier and flying in to get his family, I told her. She knew I couldn't stay, just afraid to admit it.
We drove all the way to CO and I have to admit it was fun even though I was driving behind my hubby who was in front of me driving the U-haul. Fort Carson was something else, we stayed at the hotel on post for 2 weeks then found the house we would stay in for 3 yrs. No family or friends close by, so when he told me he was deploying the following yr he wanted me to go home; I told him, I got this, and stayed in a strange place all by myself with 3 young boys. That yr was an adventure and found out a lot about myself. I was able to do it and I was proud of myself for doing it. Not being able to see my hubby and sometimes going days without hearing from him drove me crazy. That is just some of the things an army wife has to deal with, this is his 5th year in and hopefully his last tour. We are currently in Fort Wainwright, AK. Yeah Alaska, but that's a whole different story.

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