Monday, July 29, 2013


Childhood, childhood, what an awesome time it was for me. I very often catch myself reminiscing about it, I think too much at times. I think it's because those were the best times of my life, don't get me wrong, I love my kids and hubby, but let's face it, childhood was very good to me. According to my husband I was a spoiled child, birthday cakes bigger than I was, all the latest toys and technology, not to mention we had cable lol! I saw MTV more than any other channel, I had tons of cassettes, boom boxes, walk man, a bike, roller skates, man I was the sh*t in those days, this are my husbands words not mine. My room covered in hair band posters, my sis and I had all the latest dolls, Rainbow Brite, Jem, Barbies up the yin yang, the shiny violet barbie corvette car, Hugabunch doll, poggles, and my two favorite dolls Heather and Dancerella. Wow, memories come rushing back and it makes it pretty hard. My best memories of course all include my wonderful grandma, she WAS my childhood, she raised us and we practically lived at her house, I can still see her in that house cooking, yelling at my uncles and aunts, my grandpa getting home from work and turning the channel to TBS, his fav channel. Ah those were the days, I was such a happy child, and I owe it all to them, my family.

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